We just got another saltwater report from outfitter Brian Sienkowski. With several rivers in runoff here in Southwestern Montana, he and his girlfriend Chelsey decided to head south to Florida. They were fishing primarily for snook, redfish, and tarpon off of Sanibel, Captiva, and Cayo Costa. Brian said the snook fishing was good when the wind was right. At first they had west winds which muddied the water up and made things tough. When it switched to the north or east they found clear water and could see fish cruising along the beach. They spotted a lot of small males in the 18-22 inch range and also a handful of big (30-40″) fish like the one Chelsey caught. Brian saw one that was probably over 40, which turned on the fly but no eat. (I guess they get that big for a reason). The tarpon fishing was tough for them. They did spot a lot of big fish, which was exciting. They repeatedly dragged their flies in front of the silver kings, but no luck… They talked to some other anglers who were throwing live crabs and threadfins at them and even they hadn’t gotten any tarpon to bite…