Clarity in town 6/27 at 6:45AM
The Yellowstone has been back and forth with spikes in CFS due to big rain and thunder storms the past few days. Clarity has more or less hovered between 2-6 inches during this time. People have been catching fish despite the clarity issue. If you decide to float the Yellowstone please keep safety in mind as the flows can be dangerous at these levels. Be careful where you choose to anchor and still be on the look out for snags or trees that have fallen down. We haven’t had any sketchy reports of yet but there people are also just starting to float the river. We have a salmonfly reports, with shucks sighted at Loch Leven already. PMD’s have been going strong on the spring creeks. Local and private lakes have been fishing well with chironomids and damsels nymphs. Give us a call for the latest report or to book a trip! 1-406-222-7130.
Clarity just below DePuy’s culvert 6/26 7:50AM Photo: Logan Brown
Shucks at Loch Leven… Photo: Shaun Ryan
The 89 Bridge looks a little dangerous right now… (6/25 6:30AM)
Yellowstone River prediction 6/27 at 7:16AM