We have had good reports from Depuy’s with both baetis and PMD hatches coming off. With the below average spring weather we are having the Blue Winged Olive emergence is still bringing fish to the surface. Carry baetis dries, nymphs and emergers in sizes 20 – 24.
The Pale Morning Dun Hatch has just started becoming a major factor; nymph fishing in the morning has been good with steady dry fly fishing in the afternoon. Carry your standard spring creek dry fly and emerger patterns in sizes 16 & 18.
A short leash nymph rig is a good option in the morning with your standard zebra midges and scuds until the emergences begin.
Effective Patterns: No Hackles, Transistional Duns, Sparkle Duns, short Wing Harrop Emergers, split case bwo and pmd nymphs and p tails.