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August 3, 2023

Yellowstone and YNP Fishing Well

Luke Musselman with a nice brown from down low. Photo: Holden Russell The Yellowstone has been fishing well the past couple of weeks. We apologize for the delayed report, things have been busy! Stonefly dries and rubberlegs have been the ticket in the morning (as well as any of the various tungsten bead “Euro” nymph…

July 21, 2023

Hopper Time Has Begun!

“Mad Dogg Madi Ice” with her first big brown on a hopper! The Yellowstone has been dropping steady and fishing well the past couple of weeks. Fish have started looking up and eating hoppers! This comes as a welcomed change since the whitefish bite has been bountiful, especially when fishing size 12-16 nymphs. Water temperatures…

July 12, 2023

Chub/Rub In Full Effect

The Yellowstone river has been fishing well lately. Finally we have seen less afternoon showers, which has allowed the Yellowstone for a more steady and predictable drop. While we will never complain about rain it is nice to see the river clearing up without extra or unexpected mid-valley mud plugs. Streamers have been working well,…

July 2, 2023

Clarity Report

Clarity in town, 7/2 5:57AM Due to short buy heavy rains the Yellowstone is tiger striped with mud plugs. Town down is look very good this morning but up high we have some thick mud coming down. With high flows this may wash through quickly, allowing a post plug float. Give us a call for…

June 27, 2023

It’s getting there…

Clarity in town 6/27 at 6:45AM The Yellowstone has been back and forth with spikes in CFS due to big rain and thunder storms the past few days. Clarity has more or less hovered between 2-6 inches during this time. People have been catching fish despite the clarity issue. If you decide to float the…

June 22, 2023

Another 5-7 days

Clarity in town, 6/22 7:50AM The Yellowstone was starting to shape up nicely last Sunday but then it rained hard all day as well as Monday, creating a double spike in CFS. Levels are back down to 11,800 CFS currently but the river has an added hint of brown to it again. We expected this…

June 18, 2023

Happy Father’s Day!

Clarity at Carter’s bridge 6/18 6:35AM Free fishing for all today (6/18) for Father’s day. CFS is currently 11,500 and dropping. Today is the first day the river looked more olive than brown. People have been floating already, usually we recommend waiting until 10,000 CFS which will easily happen this week. No signs of salmonflies…

May 29, 2023

Yellowstone to clear by late June

View from Mallard’s Rest Wednesday 5/24 The Yellowstone appears to have peaked, (22,000 CFS on 5/24), although we still have our eyes peeled. Snow pack is down to 54% snow/water equivalent on the Upper Yellowstone watershed. Looking up at the amount of snow in the Absaroka mountains around Livingston and in Paradise Valley it seems…

May 13, 2023

Caddis to “Pop” Next Week

Clarity at Carter’s Bridge 5/13 7:45AM The clarity on the Yellowstone is enough for the fish to see caddis, but we have yet to see the major emergence. That said, we have been seeing hundreds of caddis on certain banks but very few rising fish, if any, so far… For now tailwater near and far…

April 29, 2023

Caddis on the Creeks

Clarity at 9th Street Island, (4/29 7:40AM) Warmer temps are starting to make the river dirty. Clarity is on the fence today (Saturday 4/29) and likely too muddy tomorrow. With temps in the 60-70’s next week CFS is sure to rise, so the spring creeks or tailwaters might be the best move for a while….

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