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Vann Damage and Ca$h getting after it. Photo: Logan Brown
Logan lands another... photo: Brenden Hurtz

The Yellowstone continues to be in and out as far as clarity goes.  The best thing to do is give us a call the morning of for a clarity/wind report. 406-222-7130 or check in with your local shuttle crew.  The Stone is fickle enough as is – you don’t want to be wasting your time in mud, wind, or both.  Of course you never know when the big one will eat…  Billman Creek (behind the lumber yard) has been dumping mud into the West channel and the Shield’s has been spewing below 89.  Mud has been coming down  above Yankee Jim too, (check the Upper Yellowstone Webcam for day-to-day clarity).  The tributaries in the Valley have been throwing in glacial green, making Carbella down to 89 fishable, though not ideal.   As for hatches go it’s primarily been baetis and midges, as well as a few caddis and March browns in the afternoon and evening.   As for streamers, don’t even try it.  They don’t work. 😉    The spring creeks have been fishing well lately.  The caddis already popped on DePuy’s (last Friday 3/27).  Of course, it was 73 degrees out with no wind.  The fish were in a total feeding frenzy to say the least, smashing caddis emergers left and right, slashing at the occasional fluttering dry.  During the upcoming cloudy days however, bring your baetis and midge dries.  For nymphs, be thinking caddis, baetis, and midge larva.  As always, be sure to respect the redds.